Walking with the Savior - Testimonies of Jesus Christ in Christian Lives

episode artwork

John Kirkman

10 March 2024

31m 46s

From Juvenile Detention & High School Dropout to Faithful Discipleship & PHD: Matt Gardner's Journey with the Savior



Matt Gardner shares his inspiring journey from a troubled teenager to a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. Despite facing rough roads and making poor choices in his youth, Matt's transformation was driven by his deepening relationship with God. With the guidance of the Holy Ghost and the spiritual teachings of Neal A. Maxwell, Matt learned to trust in Jesus and surrender his will to God's plan. From experiencing personal setbacks to finding hope in the Savior's love, Matt's story is a testament to the power of redemption and the importance of relying on God throughout life's challenges.

Walking With the Savior on YouTube: Click Here

Podcast art courtesy of ModernGraceGallery on ETSY

Jordan Feliz song:   Never Too Far Gone

Copyright © Walking with the Savior - Testimonies of Jesus Christ in Christian Lives. All rights reserved.

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